Project Brief
"STart is looking for a fresh set of artists to add visual interest to the streetscape surrounding the construction site for the new Federal Way Light Rail Station. The Sound Transit Art Program (STart) has focused on community engagement efforts to bring on local artists and creatives from surrounding cities to highlight South King County artistry in the midst of construction. STart, and Project Curator Tiffanny Hammonds, who was hired to develop the second phase of the temporary art project, are looking for creatives who want to use their work as a narrative and use the tools of culture, pattern, and color to create intentional works to reflect the areas served by the future Light Rail stations. The goal is to bring a group of artists together that speak to the diverse community of South King County, to provide a creative outlook to the history and experiences that are not commonly shared."
"Story Map: Sound Transit Creation Myth"
is the result of staring too long at the Link light rail map and thinking: what kind of myth would our distant descendants imagine, to explain how this transit system came to be?

Installation Reveal

Sound Transit / The Platform /